These desktop wallpapers are free to use provided the signature and logo remain visible.
All are linked to jpg files. Most are 1080P, but I am in the process of adding some 4K images.You may need to adjust to fit your actual display screen resolution. Click the button below the image and then right-click to Save-As to download the images.
Blue Jay
Blue Jays are often comical - They love peanuts! The birds are also naturally paranoid. If they think another Blue Jay sees where they hide a nut or seed, they will return to the hiding spot and move it again. You just can’t trust a Blue Jay and even Blue Jays seem to know this…
Belted Kingfisher
These very interesting birds look strange at rest, but they are highly maneuverable in flight and can hover in place before diving into to water to catch a fish or crustacean.
Red-Bellied Woodpecker
Probably one of the more common woodpeckers in Jefferson County.
Wood Duck - Female
Wood Ducks are a favorite species of mine - make sure to check out the hi-res images in the Gallery
Yellow-Billed Cuckoo
These birds seldom offer an unobstructed shot. They work their way through leaves and branches eating caterpillars. This species migrates at night and has seen reduced numbers due to wind turbines along it’s migration routes
Rough-Winged Swallow
A priceless pose.
“Wet” Red-Headed Woodpecker
Proof that woodpeckers aren’t waterproof. I also have the “before” picture.
American Robin
A Robin for Spring. Nice purple background from wild flowers in the distance.
Northern Cardinal - Male
I’ll be adding a gallery section for Cardinals in the near future.